Over 1,000,000 Devices Delivered to Our Valued Customers and Counting
We are proud to have been consistently recognized as one of Washington's top 5 electronic stores from 2018 to 2022. With convenient locations in Ev...
Unlock unbeatable savings with our Super Deals – limited time offer with discounts you won't find anywhere else! Hurry, seize the opportunity now before it's gone!
Shop NowWe are proud to have been consistently recognized as one of Washington's top 5 electronic stores from 2018 to 2022. With convenient locations in Ev...
Our online store accepts a variety of payment methods to ensure a convenient shopping experience for our customers. We accept major credit cards, such as Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover, as well as debit cards. Additionally, we offer support for digital payment platforms like PayPal, Apple Pay, and Google Pay. We are constantly working to expand our payment options to accommodate our customers' needs.
We also accept lease-to-own program such as Acima, Progressive Leasing, SnapFinance, SmartPay, PayVantage, American First Finance, Kafene and more. Please contact our customer support for any quesiton. Click here to apply!
Answer: We strive to process and ship orders as quickly as possible. Generally, orders are processed within 1-2 business days after being placed. Shipping times vary depending on the chosen shipping method and the destination of the package. Standard shipping typically takes 3-7 business days within the continental United States, while expedited shipping options are available for faster delivery. International shipping times vary depending on the country and customs processing times.
+ Must be 18 or older with SSN or ITIN#
+ State ID, Driver License or U.S. Passport
+ Bank Checking & Routing number
+ Debit / Credit Card
Eligibility: You may return any device for a refund within 14 days from the date of purchase, provided it is in the same condition as when you received it. This policy also applies to order cancellations. Please note that a 20% restocking fee will be charged on all returns. As each transaction incurs costs on our end, we can no longer accept returns or cancellations free of charge. In the case of a defective device, you are covered under our 90 day warranty. We will replace the device if needed. If you decline the initial warranty repair or exchange, a 20% restocking fee will be applied to all subsequent returns. If the second device is also found to be defective, you will have options to receive a full refund.
Ineligibility: Devices purchased over 14 days ago are not eligible for return. Additionally, devices that have been physically damaged or exposed to liquids are not eligible. Please note that we reserve the right to substitute the color of any device ordered if the originally selected color is out of stock.